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Gaddafi's son warns of civil war

Protesters in the US join calls for Gaddafi to quit as Libyan leader

The son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has gone on state television to proclaim that his father remained in charge with the army's backing and would "fight until the last man, the last woman, the last bullet".

Read more: Gaddafi's son warns of civil war

190 executions in the year of 2010, from a statistical stand point


January 2, 2011

Read more: 190 executions in the year of 2010, from a statistical stand pointWorldwide statistics indicates, the Islamic Republic of Iran was placed in second place in execution rate after China. Iran also remains one of few dozen countries that runs this inhumane punishment.

Read more: 190 executions in the year of 2010, from a statistical stand point

Mousavi warns against renewed efforts to oppress protesters

Iranian opposition leader MirHosein Mousavi warned Green supporters against “staged disturbances” by Iranian security forces with the approach of the National Student Day in December.

Recently Tehran security forces set up a “manoeuvre” by staging a street carnival ridiculing the post-election protests of 2009.

Read more: Mousavi warns against renewed efforts to oppress protesters

Finland grants asylum to former Iranian diplomat

October 28, 2010
Read more: Finland grants asylum to former Iranian diplomat HELSINKI (Reuters) – A former senior diplomat at Iran‘s embassy in Helsinki, who resigned and joined the opposition, said Thursday he had been granted political asylum by Finland only weeks after applying for it.

Read more: Finland grants asylum to former Iranian diplomat

Heshmatollah Tabarzadi trial was held

Sep 11, 2010

Yesterday morning, the third trial for Heshmatollah Tabarzadi, secretary-general for the National Democratic Front of Iran and spokesperson for the Unity Council for Democracy and Human Rights in Iran, was held in branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court, headed by judge Pir-Abbasi.

Read more: Heshmatollah Tabarzadi trial was held

Social Activist, Ahmad Bab: Tortured to Confess to Espionage

Aug 4, 2010
Physical torture is a long-lasting human rights violation inflicted on political prisoners in Iran. The media tends to focus on conditions in the Tehran prisons, so it is common that acts of torture go unnoticed in other provinces where it is more violent and severe, such as is the case with prisons in the Kurdistan province of Iran.

Read more: Social Activist, Ahmad Bab: Tortured to Confess to Espionage

Ali Saremi’s Daughter Speaks on Her Father’s Execution

December 28, 2010
Ali Saremi’s daughter: The news of execution was given to us by my father’s cell mates, not by authorities/My mother was detained
Zeynab Saremi, the daughter of Ali Saremi, the prisoner who was executed Tuesday morning on the charge of Moharabeh [enmity with God] was in front of Evin prison when she told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran (ICHRI) that the authorities refrained from giving the news of her father’s execution, and the family was informed through Mr. Saremi’s cell mate that the death sentence was possibly carried out. That is why [the family] headed immediately to Evin prison. According to Zeynab Saremi, even the lawyer was not aware of the time of execution. [Translator note: According to the Islamic Republic of Iran's own rules, 48 hours notice is required to be given to the lawyer of the defendant prior to the execution. This rule is repeatedly ignored by Iranian authorities to pave way for secret political executions].

Read more: Ali Saremi’s Daughter Speaks on Her Father’s Execution

Iranian Books Stuck in Censorship Quagmir

By Omid Nikfarjam is a Prague-based Iranian journalist and translator who has published over 15 books, among them Persian translations of works by J. D. Salinger, Vladimir Nabokov, and Truman Capote.
Spare a thought for Iran’s literary censors – unloved by writers and publishers alike, they have thousands of works to read through, so much so that the piles of books have spilled out from their rooms at the culture ministry into the corridors.

Read more: Iranian Books Stuck in Censorship Quagmir

A Report on Keyvan Fattahi’s status; an asylum seeker in India

Sep 13, 2010

Read more: A Report on Keyvan Fattahi’s status; an asylum seeker in IndiaWith regards to high risk of persecution and detentions of journalists and civil activists in Iran a new era of leaving the country has already begun followed by seeking asylum in different countries.
Hereby a report is prepared by Elyasin Human Rights Committee of Reporters which tells the story of critical condition of Keyvan Fatahi, an asylum seeker who has been spending more than a year in India with hope of being granted a refugee status by UNHCR.

Read more: A Report on Keyvan Fattahi’s status; an asylum seeker in India

Shiva Nazar Ahari’s Lawyer Concerned About Her Verdict on the Charge of Moharebeh

Sep 5, 2010

Shiva Nazar Ahari’s lawyer, Mohammad Sharif, has expressed concern about his client’s upcoming trial considering the heavy charge of moharebeh (enmity with God) in her case. “Shiva Nazar Ahari’s case is being reviewed in the same branch that reviewed Badrolssadat Mofidi’s case. I believe the ruling in Ms. Mofidi’s case to be illegal and therefore am seriously concerned about the court’s potential ruling, considering the fact that my client’s initial charge is moharebeh,” he told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran.

Read more: Shiva Nazar Ahari’s Lawyer Concerned About Her Verdict on the Charge of Moharebeh

Abdolreza Tajik’s whereabouts still unknown!

Jul 11, 2010
The whereabouts of prominent Iranian human rights activist and journalist arrested last month are still unclear, RFE/RL’s Radio Farda reports.
Parvin Tajik, the sister of activist Abdolreza Tajik, told Radio Farda on July 7 that her brother was arrested on June 12 after being summoned to Tehran’s Intelligence Ministry Office.

Read more: Abdolreza Tajik’s whereabouts still unknown!
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