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190 executions in the year of 2010, from a statistical stand point


January 2, 2011

c_250_150_16777215_00___images_stories_news_nemoodar1.jpgWorldwide statistics indicates, the Islamic Republic of Iran was placed in second place in execution rate after China. Iran also remains one of few dozen countries that runs this inhumane punishment.

RAHANA Agency, has gathered the monthly statistical execution report in accordance with official sources and the court system. Accordingly, 26 executions in April, 18 in May, 40 in June, 19 in July, 21 in August, 11 in September, 24 in October, 12 in November, and 19 executions in December have been reported.


These collected execution rates in total add up to 190 cases, which sums up to over 200 including 13 executions so far in the month of January. It should also be noted that in many cases the executions were not announced by official sources that undoubtedly increases these statistics to a far heavier number.

As it is apparent in the charts, with 132 cases, Drug trafficking has taken the life of more prisoners than any other charges. In this ranking Rape charges are next, and charges of Enemy of God take the third place which is the charge Ali Saremi was executed for (Table One)

Beautiful province of Isfahan, with 33 cases ranks highest among other provinces in the country. Tehran with 28 execution cases and Khuzestan with 27 are the second and third in this ranking. (Table Two)

Of 190 people executed in the first nine months of this year at least 6 cases were women and 184 were men. (Table Three)

Most executions have happened in the second half of the month. 87 executions have taken place in the second part of the month, 66 cases in the third, and 37 cases have taken place in the first part of each month. (Table Four)



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