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A Report on Keyvan Fattahi’s status; an asylum seeker in India

Sep 13, 2010

c_250_150_16777215_00___images_stories_news_keyvan-fatahi.jpgWith regards to high risk of persecution and detentions of journalists and civil activists in Iran a new era of leaving the country has already begun followed by seeking asylum in different countries.
Hereby a report is prepared by Elyasin Human Rights Committee of Reporters which tells the story of critical condition of Keyvan Fatahi, an asylum seeker who has been spending more than a year in India with hope of being granted a refugee status by UNHCR.

Fatahi was detained by Iranian Ministry of Intelligence on June 2007, along with his older brother (Peyman Fatahi, the Founder and Leader of Elyasin Community). While his illegal detention was combined with raiding and inspecting his home by Iranian security agents, Keyvan spent 5 months on solitary confinement during which he’s been subjected to severe physical and mental pressures and tortures.

“Meanwhile the reason of this illegal and baseless detention was stated as “Acting against National Security”, “Propaganda against Islamic Regime” and “Illegal Communication with Foreigners”, the signs indicate that I was detained in order to put my brother (Peyman Fatahi) under pressure and to provide layers of false documents and proofs against him.

During the confinement period I was subjected to several interrogation sessions and severe pressures to confess falsely against my bother (Peyman), whose personality and physical destruction was the main concern of Iran security agents. In this regard I was supposed to make false confess against my brother in writing and also before a camera but I didn’t”; Fatahi says.   

It’s worth mentioning that his other brother (Ramin Fatahi) who was also detained passed away on Jan. 25th, 2008 due to severe physical tortures in Evin prison.

Keyvan Fatahi was freed on bail of 300 million Tomans (300,000 USD) on Feb 2008, then escaped from Iran due to pressures and threatening conditions. Actually he is experiencing tough time similar to many other Iranian asylum seekers in different countries.

With regard to his current situation Fatahi states: “After leaving the country my appeal court has been held in Tehran and the judge increased the sentence of imprisonment to 26 months, in absentia.

I and my family have been overwhelmed by pressures in recent years, though the Ministry of Intelligence is looking for a proper opportunity to exchange or return me to Iran.

Above all it will be life threatening for me in case of refusal of my application by UNHCR; therefore I seek immediate attention and any possible support by global human rights organizations and activists”


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