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A student activist is summoned to FATA Police




Mahdi Amani, the political deputy of Rohani’s students’ campaign, and one the political activists of Yazd University, has been summoned to FATA police bureau (cyber police), on charge of collusion and propaganda against governmental authorities and officialsRead more: A student activist is summoned to FATA Police

Read more: A student activist is summoned to FATA Police

A Sunni religious leader was summoned to intelligence office

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Mamousta Abdolghaffar Mohammadi, a Sunni leader of Alak village, was summoned and threatened by intelligence and security forcesRead more: A Sunni religious leader was summoned to intelligence office

Read more: A Sunni religious leader was summoned to intelligence office

At least 2 students are arrested in Tehran University




At least two students including a girl have been arrested during Hassan Rohani’s speech in Tehran UniversityRead more: At least 2 students are arrested in Tehran University

Read more: At least 2 students are arrested in Tehran University

Iranian blogger critical of government gets jail term

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Mehdi Khazali, an Iranian political activist and physician, has been sentenced to six years in prison by a preliminary court for the charges of “propaganda against the regime and assembly and collusion against national securityRead more: Iranian blogger critical of government gets jail term

Read more: Iranian blogger critical of government gets jail term

Case of detained opposition leaders processed by council

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ran’s minister of justice has announced that the case against MirHosein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, who challenged the 2009 presidential election results, is being processed by the Supreme National Security CouncilRead more: Case of detained opposition leaders processed by council

Read more: Case of detained opposition leaders processed by council

Serious worries about the condition of two Sunni prisoners

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The families of Kaveh Veisi and Mokhtar Rahimi, the two Sunni prisoners who have been sentenced to death and were transferred to an unkown place last Sunday, are seriously worried about their conditionRead more: Serious worries about the condition of two Sunni prisoners

Read more: Serious worries about the condition of two Sunni prisoners

Three Bahais have received imprisonment sentences

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 Ardeshir Faniyan, Golrokh Firouzian and Shidrokh Firouzian, the Bahai citizens from Semnan have been sentenced to imprisonmentRead more: Three Bahais have received imprisonment sentences

Read more: Three Bahais have received imprisonment sentences

High-profile journalist gets temporary leave from prison

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Prominent jailed journalist Bahman Ahmadi Amouyi has been given temporary leave from Rejai Shahr PrisonRead more: High-profile journalist gets temporary leave from prison

Read more: High-profile journalist gets temporary leave from prison

Iranian officials may end blocking of social networking sites

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Iran’s ministry of communication and information technology announced that it is looking at the possibility of ending the restrictions on accessing social networking websites in IranRead more: Iranian officials may end blocking of social networking sites

Read more: Iranian officials may end blocking of social networking sites

Reza Shahabi is denied medical furlough

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Although the doctors have recommended Reza Shahabi to be under hydrotherapy and physiotherapy the authorities do not allow him to go on a medical furloughRead more: Reza Shahabi is denied medical furlough

Read more: Reza Shahabi is denied medical furlough

Iranian teachers ask president to help mark special day

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 The Iranian Teachers Association has called on President Hassan Rohani to facilitate the special ceremonies for World Teachers’ Day on October 5Read more: Iranian teachers ask president to help mark special day

Read more: Iranian teachers ask president to help mark special day
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