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A jailed student activist on hunger strike

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Arash Mohammadi, the imprisoned leftist student activist, has begun hunger strike announcing his support to Read more: A jailed student activist on hunger strikeShahrokh Zamani’s demand of being returned to Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj.

Read more: A jailed student activist on hunger strike

Kholousi sisters begin long prison terms

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Read more: Kholousi sisters begin long prison terms


Early on March 30, agents from the Ministry of Intelligence arrested Nava and Nika Khoousi.

Read more: Kholousi sisters begin long prison terms

Iranian vehicle manufacturer makes deep cut to workforce

Read more:  Iranian vehicle manufacturer makes deep cut to workforce 

The automaker Runiran has laid off 200 workers, according to Iranian labour activist Parvin Mohammadi.

Read more: Iranian vehicle manufacturer makes deep cut to workforce

Attorney general banned education for political prisoners in Ward 350

Nine political prisoners in ward 350 of Evin prison were banned from participating in the exam of PNU (payam e noor university) by the prosecutorRead more: Attorney general banned education for political prisoners in Ward 350

Read more: Attorney general banned education for political prisoners in Ward 350

Wife and Mother of Illegally Exiled Political Prisoner Die in Car Crash After Prison Visit

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Tragic news about the deaths of the wife and the mother of an exiled political prisoner as they were on their way back from visiting him in Masjed-e Soleyman Prison has shocked Iranians worldwideRead more: Wife and Mother of Illegally Exiled Political Prisoner Die in Car Crash After Prison Visit

Read more: Wife and Mother of Illegally Exiled Political Prisoner Die in Car Crash After Prison Visit

Student protesters call for changes at art university

A group of students at the Tehran University of Art gathered in protest to call for the removal of university president Saeed Kashan FallahRead more: Student protesters call for changes at art university

Read more: Student protesters call for changes at art university

City councillor says she lost post over Facebook account

Behshahr city councillor Azamolsadat Hosseini announced that she has been dismissed from Read more: City councillor says she lost post over Facebook accounther position as spokesperson for the council for having a Facebook account.

Read more: City councillor says she lost post over Facebook account

Keep the Focus on Iran's Human Rights

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The recent interim nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 powers is a welcome development for most IraniansRead more: Keep the Focus on Iran's Human Rights

Read more: Keep the Focus on Iran's Human Rights

Ebadi: Citizenship Charter Is Redundant Distraction from Justice

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Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel Peace Laureate and human rights lawyer, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran in an exclusive interview that the draft Citizenship Rights Charter published by Hassan Rouhani in November to solicit input from analysts is redundant and ineffectual, and “is in fact a tool to distract those who are waiting for justice to be carried outRead more: Ebadi: Citizenship Charter Is Redundant Distraction from Justice

Read more: Ebadi: Citizenship Charter Is Redundant Distraction from Justice

More Detained Social Network Users: Forced Confessions Feared

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The IRGC Intelligence Unit has arrested two individuals active on Facebook, in a continuing wave of arrests against Internet and social media users and professionals. Mohammad Amin Akrami and Mehdi Rayshahri Tangestani are the latest detainees of IRGC, according to Kaleme WebsiteRead more: More Detained Social Network Users: Forced Confessions Feared

Read more: More Detained Social Network Users: Forced Confessions Feared

Baha’i cemetery was destroyed in Sanandaj

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 After a court upheld the confiscation of a land belonging to the Baha’is in Sanandaj which was used as a cemetery, this land was destroyed by bulldozersRead more: Baha’i cemetery was destroyed in Sanandaj

Read more: Baha’i cemetery was destroyed in Sanandaj
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