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Group calls for release of jailed journalist brothers

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The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders has called for the release of Khosro and Massoud Kordpour, two jailed Iranian journalists who ran the Mukrian News Agency in Kurdistan ProvinceRead more: Group calls for release of jailed journalist brothers

Read more: Group calls for release of jailed journalist brothers

Iran’s Zanjan city residents protest pollution caused by factories

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  Trend, N. Umid

Hundreds of Iranian Zanjan city residents gathered in front Governor and Supreme Linder's representative's office to protest air pollution caused by zinc and lead factories in the city, Fars news agency reportedRead more: Iran’s Zanjan city residents protest pollution caused by factories

Read more: Iran’s Zanjan city residents protest pollution caused by factories

Officials charge journalist and his brother

  Jailed journalist Khosro Kordpour, who heads the Mokerian Website, has been charged with “enmity against GodRead more: Officials charge journalist and his brother

Read more: Officials charge journalist and his brother

The 5 hunger strikers are in critical condition

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 The 5  Yeni GAMOH members who are on hunger strike in Rajai Shahr prison of Karaj are in critical health conditionRead more: The 5 hunger strikers are in critical condition

Read more: The 5 hunger strikers are in critical condition

Abolfazl Abedini is exiled to Ahwaz prison / he is on hunger strike

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Abolfazl Abedini, the journalist and human rights activist has been exiled to Ahwaz prison Saturday afternoon. He has begun hunger strike complaining this sudden transferRead more: Abolfazl Abedini is exiled to Ahwaz prison / he is on hunger strike

Read more: Abolfazl Abedini is exiled to Ahwaz prison / he is on hunger strike

Three Ahvazi Activists Held Under Ambiguous Conditions

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Since the arrests of several Khuzestan Province civil activists in Ahvaz in April, no information has been available on the conditions of Adel Seymari, Majid Bavi, and Mohammad Jaberi, a source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in IranRead more: Three Ahvazi Activists Held Under Ambiguous Conditions

Read more: Three Ahvazi Activists Held Under Ambiguous Conditions

Accused spy on trial in Kerman

The head of the Kerman Revolutionary Court reported on August 5 that the Ministry of Intelligence has arrested a spy in Kerman, and the suspect is currently being prosecutedRead more: Accused spy on trial in Kerman

Read more: Accused spy on trial in Kerman

No information about Maryam Shafi Pour’s condition

 Read more: No information about Maryam Shafi Pour’s condition There is no information about Maryam Shafi Pour’s condition after three days of being under arrest

Read more: No information about Maryam Shafi Pour’s condition

Supreme Court Upholds Execution Sentence for Four Ahvazis

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With the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the death sentences of four young Arab men from Ahvaz on charges of “moharebeh” (enmity with God) and “corruption on earth,” the prisoners are currently in danger of imminent execution at Karoon Prison in AhvazRead more: Supreme Court Upholds Execution Sentence for Four Ahvazis

Read more: Supreme Court Upholds Execution Sentence for Four Ahvazis

13 students have been summoned to Shiraz intelligence

13Read more: 13 students have been summoned to Shiraz intelligence   students of Shiraz medical since university have been summoned to the intelligence.

Read more: 13 students have been summoned to Shiraz intelligence

No telephone contact for political prisoners in Karoun prison

The political prisoners of Karoun prison of Ahwaz are prohibited from having telephone contact since last SundayRead more: No telephone contact for political prisoners in Karoun prison

Read more: No telephone contact for political prisoners in Karoun prison
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