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First manifesto of El-Yasin community, 1387

In The Name of Freedom
"He, who is against people and the enemy of God's creatures, is against God and enemy of God. He, who betrays the nation, betrays God."
                                                                                                 "Iliya Mim Ramollah"

Once again, Master Iliya and some other members of El-Yasin community were arrested illegally without any subpoenas or legal permission and again without presenting clear reasons and provable charges by the secret agents of DAARM[1] on Wednesday Jan 16th 2009.

Although six days past from this conspiratorial happening, which was with assault and battery, raid, destruction of houses and gunfire, and despite the continual referral of arrested members` family to authorities, no one is responsive to this happenings.

This not responding does not mean anything but irresponsibility, not being able to answer reasonably and DARRM`s inhumane measures beyond law and constitution.

After Master Iliya`s first arrest in spring 2007 which led to six months imprisonment in 209 section of Evin prison, we faced with his poisoning symptoms like intensive bleeding of his nose and ears, bloody urine and vomit which in experts opinion, they were the symptoms of a dangerous form of poisoning, now we are so worried about what may happen after this recent arrest.

Long silence of governors toward our requests, letters, visits and … has caused a wave of hopelessness and pessimism toward the government and the authorities.

Some different secret and apparent groups which were formed to support our master against the disgraceful actions of DARRM, are now provoked by the crazy brutal attacks against him in the second arrest and have started showing different and various reactions. One of these reactions was publication of a confidential letter sent to Islamic leader on master Iliya`s behalf four months before his second arrest.

Also, there have been vast voluntary actions like informing all the two hundred thousand followers, distributing hundreds of supporting and disclosing films, telephone calls and interviews with the media.

On the other hand, we were informed that some of the master's followers out of Iran are going to announce formally and openly to the world that they are not any more the same in religion with cultural Al-Qaida and belief-inspectors of DARRM.

Many other news and testimonies show that these actions are growing quickly and it is highly unlikely that these efforts would stop without reaching a certain result.

It goes without saying that each of these reactions to the severe measures of DARRM agents has heavy outcomes.

We, the representatives of El-Yasin, condemn the illegal brutal attacks and actions of DARRM and ask for the quick release of Master Iliya Ramollah and 5 other members of community who are arrested unjustifiably and in a barbaric way by DARRM  and we ask for a fairly consideration of our situation.

Our right-seeking voice of this community has been unanswered so far by the leader of Islamic Republic of Iran. So we hope our call will be answered efficiently by the liberal leaders of world and active human right organizations.

Greetings to followers of Divine Guidance
A group of El-Yasin representatives
January 20, 2009

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