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Human Rights Statement: “Narges Mohammadi’s life is in Danger”

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The Committee of Human Rights Reporters – Narges Mohammadi, human rights activist and the Deputy Director and 0nargesdrawing-e1340311855911.jpgspokesperson for the Defenders of Human Rights Center, is in dire physical condition. According to the latest reports from prison, her paralysis has gravely deteriorated to the point that during her last visit with her family she was unable to walk.


Narges Mohammadi was first arrested in June 2010 but was released on bail after 20 days as a result of her preexisting medical condition. Following her release from prison, Mohammadi spent a considerable amount of time in the hospital and under medical supervision. She was eventually sentenced to 11 years in prison by the Revolutionary Court; a sentence that was later reduced to six years by an appeals Court. Mohammadi was arrested by Ministry of Intelligence agents and transferred to Evin prison shortly after being summoned.

In an illegal act, rather than being transferred to Evin prison’s general ward 350, Mohammadi was first transferred to ward 209. After 20 days she was subsequently exiled to Zanjan prison. She was transferred despite the fact that her sentence did not stipulate any exile conditions and she was legally registered as living in Tehran. Zanjan prison is renowned for housing prisoners charged with a variety of crimes including murder, the use of illegal drugs, etc. The detention of Mohammadi under such conditions is therefore a risk to her life.

In recent years and since the Iranian presidential election in 2005, prison officials have repeatedly ignored the rights of political prisoners suffering from physical ailments and medical preconditions. Their refusal to grant medical furlough to such prisoners has led to irreversible and irreparable damage. Narges Mohammadi suffers from a neurological disorder that renders her paralyzed. Her condition deteriorates significantly under harsh prison conditions.

According to prison regulations “prisons and prison officials are responsible for the lives of inmates and must provide the necessary conditions to create a safe environment for all prisoners.”

The Committee of Human Rights Reporters expresses its grave concern regarding Narges Mohammadi’s condition and 0nargeschildren.jpgdemands that her medical needs be addressed immediately.

Narges Mohammadi's twin children who are forced to live without the presence of their mother.
Narges Mohammadi is a human rights activist whose focus has been on improving the condition of our society. Such behavior toward a human rights activist is indignant and only damages the honour and reputation of the Iranian Judiciary.

Given the risks associated with Narges Mohammadi’s continued incarceration, the Committee of Human Rights Reporters hereby demands the immediate and unconditional release of this human rights activist.

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