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Exposed Tricks against Elia M. Part-5

c_250_150_16777215_00___images_slexposed-tricks.jpgMontage, Distortion, Promoting Disunity, Making up Rumors

One of the tricks regularly used by security system against some well-known figures is to raise doubts about them being governmental agents, a tactic of which has been used widely against many civil society activists. In this method, suspicious accounts (supported with fake documents or without them) are stated by namely non-governmental sources which attribute espionage and being government-related to those whom are considered as security subjects. We recall the most recent victims of such methods as Akbar Ganji, Ali Afshari, Mohsen Sazegara, Mojtaba Vahedi, Mehdi Khazali, and Nourizad. 

The Ministry of Intelligence makes and circulates rumours of them being government-related agents, and tries to cause disunity and divisiveness among the political activists front. Similarly, the cyber section of Ministry of Intelligence has recently repeated the same trick by fabricating the last month’s news about the release of Master Elia M, the great mentor of Thinking.  Based on the usual methods of distortion, montage and lie, the original news of his release is repeated, but, its beginning and the end are changed; and it’s written that Elia is released after promising to cooperate with the regime!!!

But, Master Elia has not spent 13 days in solitary confinement, he has spent 400 days. He has not released once, but detained and released four times. They have not raided his house once but five times in five separate occasions and taken away everything they could.


Regardless to his own specific documents and evidence, there are some other solid and indisputable facts such as numerous accounts about his tortures by the butchers of Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths, breaking his bones, blisters on his back and footpads, bleeding from ear and nose, bloody vomiting for months, arresting his wife twice, detention of his other family members, publishing his private and personal photos, films, and voices in different gatherings, as well as the massive coverage of media assassination (which is worse than those targeted Baha’ism and Christianity, based on documents and statistics). These facts have been pointed out by different authorities of Islamic Republic of Iran especially the security and judiciary ones to Elyasin members and non-members, at various sessions of summons, interrogations, and in the court.


The trick’s structure

In the past, the Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths used to cut Master Elia’s private and public photos, films, and voices (similar to methods applied in the comedy programs such as Dr. Copy, Parasit, and OnTen), and based on their interrogators accounts took advantage of these fabricated pieces to brainwash his followers.

They used to cut films and extract just one piece of it, or get some specific sentences out of its original context and use them in another setting. Actually, this has happened once again, but instead of cutting its beginning and the end, some new phrases are added to them.     

In the first part of the distorted news published by the Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths in their affiliated websites, it’s written:


“Further Information about Elia M.’s Moral Corruption

In the name of freedom

Elia M. is released after making a promise about absolute cooperation with the regime. The great mentor of Thinking Methods, Master Elia (Peyman Fattahi), the president of Association of Free Thinkers and Researchers, is released from the prison for the fourth time after making a promise about his absolute cooperation with the regime.

In spite of his absolute cooperation with the regime, Peyman Fattahi Elia the leader of Elahiyoun Community, has been detained respectively in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2012 by the Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths (a security section to monitor the spiritual and religious movements) in charge of moral corruption.”


But, the original news (which was distorted later and published by the Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths) was:

Master Elia (Peyman Fattahi), the president of Association of Free Thinkers and Researchers, was detained for the fourth time with two other associates, was released from prison on a heavy bail.  The leader of Elahiyoun Community has been detained respectively in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2012, by the Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths (a security section to monitor the spiritual and religious movements), and has spent totally 400 days in solitary confinement.


Some key words such as Zionism, global arrogance, moral and financial corruption, and similar words are repetitive phrases used for most of the civil society activists. But applying such terms about the mentor of Teaching Methods, Elia, have wider impacts on him. Such impacts can be understood in the video-letters to the leader of Islamic Republic of Iran and other leaders of the world, as well as the explanations of imprisoned members of Elahiyoun Community, in which they say they’ve been asked by the Security Bureau of Religions and Faiths under pressure and sometimes tortures, to lie about Master Elia, write unreal things, distort the contents, attribute moral and immoral corruptions to him, and to invert the facts.

Few of those films were published previously and more of them will be published in the near future.   


Mansouron (Elia’s Progeny)

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