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Sunni cleric slams sudden demolition of Tehran prayer house

Senior Iranian Sunni cleric Mowlana Abdolhamid has written to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and President Read more: Sunni cleric slams sudden demolition of Tehran prayer houseHassan Rohani to protest the demolition of the Sunni prayer house in the Poonak neighbourhood of Tehran.

Read more: Sunni cleric slams sudden demolition of Tehran prayer house

Activist Nargress Mohammadi decries plight of mothers in prison

Read more: Activist Nargress Mohammadi decries plight of mothers in prison

Nargess Mohammadi, the prominent Iranian human rights defender and deputy director of the Human Rights Defenders Centre who has been in prison for over two months, has written a letter from Evin Prison revisiting eight years of motherhood in the light of her activism.

Read more: Activist Nargress Mohammadi decries plight of mothers in prison

Activist’s Mother Decries 14-Year Sentence for Her Daughter’s Peaceful Activities

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  Atena Daemi, a children’s rights and civil activist, was sentenced to 14 years in prison, receiving the combined maximum penalty for each of her Read more: Activist’s Mother Decries 14-Year Sentence for Her Daughter’s Peaceful Activitiescharges, as a result of her peaceful activism.

Read more: Activist’s Mother Decries 14-Year Sentence for Her Daughter’s Peaceful Activities

Three Concerts Cancelled by Police and Judiciary despite Protests by Rouhani

Read more: Three Concerts Cancelled by Police and Judiciary despite Protests by Rouhani

In his latest reaction to consecutive cancellations by the Iranian Police and the Judiciary of music concerts, President Hassan Rouhani condemned the cancellations and said such actions violate the people’s rights

Read more: Three Concerts Cancelled by Police and Judiciary despite Protests by Rouhani

Activist Atena Farghdani handed heavy jail term

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Read more: Activist Atena Farghdani handed heavy jail term

 The lawyer for Iranian artist and children’s rights activist Atena Farghdani reports that his client, who faced three charges, has been sentenced to 12 years and nine months in prison by Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran.

Read more: Activist Atena Farghdani handed heavy jail term

Khazali slams Rohani as ineffectual, raising false hope

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Mehdi Khazali, outspoken government critic and head of Hayan publications criticized Iranian president Hassan Rohani for “surrendering to the ruling faction” of the Islamic Republic and has called Read more: Khazali slams Rohani as ineffectual, raising false hopeon him to resign

Read more: Khazali slams Rohani as ineffectual, raising false hope

Lawyer and Client Accused of “Illegitimate Relations” for a Handshake in Prison

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Mohammad Moghimi was released from Rajaee Shahr Prison on bail of 20 million toman (approximately $60,000) on the afternoon of Wednesday, June Read more: Lawyer and Client Accused of “Illegitimate Relations” for a Handshake in Prison17, 2015.

Read more: Lawyer and Client Accused of “Illegitimate Relations” for a Handshake in Prison

Minister announces persistence of ban on women in stadiums

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Iran’s interior minister says there has been no change to the ban on women entering stadiums to watch sports events and the prohibition will be Read more: Minister announces persistence of ban on women in stadiumsenforced.

Read more: Minister announces persistence of ban on women in stadiums

Nationalist-Religious activist given heavy jail sentence

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Read more: Nationalist-Religious activist given heavy jail sentence

Hossein Rafii, a Nationalist-Religious political activist, has been sentenced to six years in jail and he is barred from political and media activity for two years.

Read more: Nationalist-Religious activist given heavy jail sentence

Rights activist, Nargess Mohammadi arrested

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Read more: Rights activist, Nargess Mohammadi arrested

  Nargess Mohammadi, the deputy head of Iran’s Human Rights Defenders Centre, was arrested and transferred to Evin Prison on Tuesday May 5

Read more: Rights activist, Nargess Mohammadi arrested

Women’s magazine shut down for reporting on ‘White Marriage’

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 Iran’s Press Supervisory Board has shut down Zanan Emrooz (Today’s Read more: Women’s magazine shut down for reporting on ‘White Marriage’Women) magazine and filed a complaint against it in court

Read more: Women’s magazine shut down for reporting on ‘White Marriage’
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