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Ahwaz rail construction workers strike again over unpaid wages





   Hundreds of construction workers from the Ahwaz City Train project have been on strike for two days to protest that their wages have gone unpaid for five months

Read more: Ahwaz rail construction workers strike again over unpaid wages

Rural telecom workers protest at ministry’s Tehran headquarters




On Wednesday April 22, 1,000 telecommunications employees who came to Tehran from rural areas of the country staged protests in front of the 

c_250_150_16777215_00___images_worker-protests-300x160456RTY.jpgMinistry of Communications for the second day

Read more: Rural telecom workers protest at ministry’s Tehran headquarters

Teacher demonstrations for wage hikes spread further

 Iranian teachers’ protests have become more widespread in recent months and the latest protests in Bushehr saw more than 200 teachers gathering on Monday April 13 for the third consecutive day in 

c_250_150_16777215_00___images_teachers-Bushehr-300x180.jpgfront of the Ministry of Education

Read more: Teacher demonstrations for wage hikes spread further

Manizhe Sadeghi Arrested and Transferred to Prison in Sanandaj


    Manizheh Sadeghi, civil and workers’ rights activist, was transferred to 

c_250_150_16777215_00___images_manije-sadegi.jpgCentral Prison of Sanandaj

Read more: Manizhe Sadeghi Arrested and Transferred to Prison in Sanandaj

Imprisoned Journalist Denied Furlough, Remains with Hardened Criminals


 Despite support from the Zanjan Province Prosecutor and prison officials, and repeated requests by family members, journalist Saeed Matinpour’s furlough for the Iranian New Year was not granted and he remains behind 


Read more: Imprisoned Journalist Denied Furlough, Remains with Hardened Criminals

Labour groups urge strong final stand in minimum wage talks

 Sixty Iranian labour organizations have urged the Supreme Council of Labour to set the minimum wage for the new Iranian calendar year, which will begin on the first day of spring, according to the true rate of inflation. They are calling for a 50-percent increase in the minimum wage10___images_workers1.jpg

Read more: Labour groups urge strong final stand in minimum wage talks

Shrapnel problems send jailed journalist to hospital again

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 Jailed Iranian journalist Serajeddin Mirdamadi has been sent to hospital for the fourth time in 

Seraj-Mirdamadi-e1428925114393-300x190.jpgconnection with the shrapnel in his body

Read more: Shrapnel problems send jailed journalist to hospital again

A Prominent Iranian Producer Is Being Held at Evin Prison


  Mostafa Azizi, prominent television producer and author, was arrested on February 1st, 2015 and is currently being held at the Evin prison. Sources 

c_250_150_16777215_00___images_mostafa-azizi.jpgindicate that Azizi was placed in solitary confinement shortly after his arrest

Read more: A Prominent Iranian Producer Is Being Held at Evin Prison

Journalist Remains in Prison Beyond End of Sentence

   The journalist Saeed Razavi Faghih has yet to be released from prison even though he completed his one-year sentence on February 28, 2015, because he is facing new, as yet unspecified charges, his brother Massoud c_250_150_16777215_00___images_saeed-razavifaghih456765.jpgtold the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran

Read more: Journalist Remains in Prison Beyond End of Sentence

Iranian musicians band together against concert meddling

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The Iranian music community has launched a campaign, calling on all musicians and music lovers to stand up against the cancellation of concerts and recent restrictions imposed on all forms of music activitiesnazeri11-527x316.jpg

Read more: Iranian musicians band together against concert meddling

Teachers hold silent demonstrations across Iran

Iranian teachers across the country gathered in silence in front of their local education ministry offices to protest their employment conditions10___images_teachers_0.jpg

Read more: Teachers hold silent demonstrations across Iran
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