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The Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index ranks the performance of 180 countries according to a range of criteria that include media pluralism and independence, respect for the safety and freedom of journalists, and the legislative, institutional and infrastructural environment in which the media operateRead more: WORLD PRESS FREEDOM INDEX 2015: DECLINE ON ALL FRONTS


Farah Baghi Begins Her Sentence in Yazd

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Farah Baghi, a Bahai from Yazd who has been sentenced to one year in prison and a one-year suspended sentence, has reported to prison in Yazd to begin her sentenceRead more: Farah Baghi Begins Her Sentence in Yazd

Read more: Farah Baghi Begins Her Sentence in Yazd

Workers hold out hope for jobs at closed sugar refinery

Workers from the Varamin Sugar Refinery, which was recently shut down, gathered in front of the plant in protest once again on SaturdayRead more: Workers hold out hope for jobs at closed sugar refinery

Read more: Workers hold out hope for jobs at closed sugar refinery

Judiciary urged to let jailed journalist get medical care

Ninety-six social and political activists have issued a letter urging the Islamic Republic judiciary to take the necessary steps for the release of jailed journalist Saeed Razavi FaqihRead more: Judiciary urged to let jailed journalist get medical care

Read more: Judiciary urged to let jailed journalist get medical care

Female Prisoner of Conscience Transferred to Deplorable Gharchak Prison

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Female prisoner of conscience Hakimeh Shokri was abruptly transferred from Evin Prison to the Gharchak Prison in Varamin on December 15, 2014, Shokri’s sister told the International Campaign for Human Rights in IranRead more: Female Prisoner of Conscience Transferred to Deplorable Gharchak Prison

Read more: Female Prisoner of Conscience Transferred to Deplorable Gharchak Prison

Masoud Seyed Talebi Sentenced to another 5 Years Imprisonment

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 Seyed Masoud Seyed Talebi, one of the accused people in the so-called “Facebook Activists case”, is sentenced to another 5 years imprisonment on the charge of blasphemyRead more: Masoud Seyed Talebi Sentenced to another 5 Years Imprisonment

Read more: Masoud Seyed Talebi Sentenced to another 5 Years Imprisonment

A Labor Activist Summoned to Intelligence Office in Sanandaj

Mozafar Salehnia, Labor activist, was summoned to the office of Ministry of Intelligence in Sanandaj and was interrogatedRead more: A Labor Activist Summoned to Intelligence Office in Sanandaj

Read more: A Labor Activist Summoned to Intelligence Office in Sanandaj

Labour activist arrested as worker unrest grows

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Labour activist Hatam Samadi has been arrested by plainclothes officials and transferred to an unknown locationRead more: Labour activist arrested as worker unrest grows

Read more: Labour activist arrested as worker unrest grows

Iranian newspaper shut down for showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo

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Mardom-e-Emrooz also has licence suspended over front page depicting George Clooney and words ‘I am Charlie, tooRead more: Iranian newspaper shut down for showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo

Read more: Iranian newspaper shut down for showing solidarity with Charlie Hebdo

Baha’is Have No Citizenship Rights, Says Grand Ayatollah

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A high-ranking cleric and Khomeini-era member of the Supreme Judicial Council has told Fars News Agency that Baha’is are not entitled to citizenship rightsRead more: Baha’is Have No Citizenship Rights, Says Grand Ayatollah

Read more: Baha’is Have No Citizenship Rights, Says Grand Ayatollah

Mohammad Parsi Summoned to Evin Prison to Serve His Sentence


Mohammad Parsi, blogger and political activist has been summoned to Evin prison to serve his three years in prison sentenceRead more: Mohammad Parsi Summoned to Evin Prison to Serve His Sentence

Read more: Mohammad Parsi Summoned to Evin Prison to Serve His Sentence
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